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Problem 5: One of the possible lines: 1.Qf3! Qxf3+ 2.Re4# Problem 4: One of the possible mating lines 1.Rd7! Qd4 2.Nd6# Be4! Nd2+ 2.Nxc4# there are other mates available for different responses of black Problem 2: I’m giving just the main line here: 1.Qd5!! Kxd5 2.Rf5# for other captures there is a mate as well. Problem 1: There are many ways to mate here: 1.Nd4! Qxd4 2.Qxh7# or 1.Nd4! Bxd4 2.Qb1# etc. Schiffman, “Bristol Times & Mirror”, 1927
Heathcote, “American Chess Bullettin”, 1911 This type of compositions almost never start with a check or a capture. Hint: look for a quiet, yet powerful move. These are pretty difficult problems, don’t get frustrated if you take long time to solve them, this is normal. Look at each of the positions carefully and try to find a combination that leads to mate in 2. White can deliver the final blow by underpromoting his a7 pawn into a knight.Today we present 5 very hard mate-in-two composition for your attention. Puzzle #7: The black king is in a mating net. The knight on e7 cannot recapture because it is pinned to the king by the white queen on e1. Puzzle #5: So many pieces to choose from, but Qa1 is the only piece to deliver mate in 1. Given that black’s last move is f5, white checkmates the black king with the move exf6 e.p. Puzzle #4: If you solved puzzle 1, then you probably had no problem solving this as well. White mates the black king with the move Nd6. Black’s pawns have all advanced up the board to the 2nd rank. But with closer inspection, black’s pieces are not actually in their initial position as seen by the co-ordinates on the chessboard. Puzzle #2: The winning move for white is 0-0-0 (long castle), given that the king and rook have not been moved. White mates the black king with the move dxc6 e.p. Puzzle #1: For checkmate to be made possible, black’s last move would have to be pawn to c5. Which piece to deliver mate in 1 against the black king?
#Chess puzzles mate in 2 moves with solution how to#
See also How To Play Antichess? Tips & Strategies To Know Take a breather and mate black in 1 move with this easy puzzle. Not many moves are available for white, but you only need one to checkmate. Use some imagination for this one! It’s only a mate in 1 but how fast can you find it?😈 White to move.Ĭonfusing position, isn’t it?🤔 But it’s just a mate-in-1 puzzle!🤫 In this puzzle, black has all his 16 pieces whereas white only has a queen and knight. The first time your chess coach gave you this kind of puzzle, you feel almost deceived.
First find what the last move of black was. In this position, it’s white to checkmate in 1 move.